
Privacy Policies

At Viraj The Ethnic Hut PVT LTD, we take every reasonable step to ensure that your personal information is accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date. If you inform us that any of your personal information is inaccurate (having regard to the purposes for which it is processed), we will ensure that it is erased or rectified.

You can access, correct, and update your personal information directly through the functionalities provided on our platform. You may delete certain non-mandatory information by logging into our website and visiting the Profile and Settings sections. For assistance with these requests, you can also write to us at the contact information provided below.

You have the option to withdraw your consent that you have already provided by writing to us at the contact information below. Please mention “withdrawal of consent” in the subject line of your communication. We will verify such requests before acting upon them. Please note, however, that withdrawal of consent will not be retroactive and will be in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy, the related Terms of Use, and applicable laws.

In the event you withdraw consent given to us under this Privacy Policy, such withdrawal may affect your access to the platform or restrict the provision of our services to you, as we may consider that information necessary.

Contact us

For any requests or further assistance, please contact us:
Name: Viraj The Ethnic Hut
Phone: +91 9821088803